Problem des Art. 14Die Inkrafttretung des Vertrages hängt von der Rati 번역 - Problem des Art. 14Die Inkrafttretung des Vertrages hängt von der Rati 영어 말하는 방법

Problem des Art. 14Die Inkrafttretu

Problem des Art. 14
Die Inkrafttretung des Vertrages hängt von der Ratifikation der 44
Staaten ab, die 1996 bei der Verhandlung der UN Abrüstungskonferenz
teilgenommen haben. Drei von den fünf Nuklearwaffenstaaten
haben den CTBT Vertrag ratifiziert. Frankreich, Russland und Großbritannien,
China und die USA dagegen haben den Vertrag zwar unterzeichnet,
jedoch nicht ratifiziert. Andere wichtige Staaten wie Iran
und Israel haben den Vertrag ebenfalls unterzeichnet aber nicht ratifiziert,
während Indien, Nordkorea und Pakistan überhaupt nicht unterzeichnet
haben. Werden die genannten Unterzeichnungen und Ratifizierungen
erreicht, tritt der CTBT Vertrag in Kraft. Grund dafür war,
dass China Russland und das Großbritannien bei den Vertragsverhandlungen
darauf bestanden, dass der Vertrag erst mit dem Beitritt
von Indien, Israel und Pakistan in Kraft treten sollte. Die USA bevorzugten
dagegen eine weniger mühsame Bestimmung, um die frühe
Ratifizierung zu erreichen. Als Kompromiss schlug der niederländische
Botschafter und der Vorsitzende des Abrüstungsausschusses
vor, dass 44 atomfähige Staaten einschließlich der fünf Atomwaffenstaaten
und der drei potenziellen Atomwaffenstaaten Indien Israel
und Pakistan den Vertrag ratifizieren sollen bevor der Vertrag in Kraft
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Problem of article 14The in force of the Treaty depends on the ratification of 44States, 1996 during the negotiations of the UN Conference on disarmamenthave participated. Three of the five nuclear weapon Stateshave ratified the CTBT Treaty. France, Russia and the United KingdomChina and the United States, however, have signed the contract though,but not ratified. Other important States such as Iranand Israel have not ratified also signed but the contract,throughout India, North Korea and Pakistan at all not signedhave. Are the above signatures and ratificationsreached, the CTBT Treaty enters into force. Reason for this was,that China, Russia and the United Kingdom in contract negotiationsIt passed, that the contract only with the accessionof India, Israel and Pakistan should come into force. The United States preferredHowever, a less laborious determination, to the earlyRatification to reach. As a compromise, the Dutch beatAmbassador and the Chairman of the Disarmament Committeebefore, that 44 nuclear-capable States, including the five nuclear weapon Statesand the three potential nuclear weapons States India Israeland Pakistan to ratify the Treaty before the Treaty in forceoccurs.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Problem of Art. 14
The entry into force of the Treaty depends on the ratification of 44
from States in 1996 at the trial of the UN Conference on Disarmament
participated. Three of the five nuclear-weapon states
have ratified the CTBT Treaty. France, Russia and Great Britain,
China and the US, however, have the contract have been signed
but not ratified. Other important states such as Iran
and Israel have also signed the treaty but not ratified,
while India, North Korea and Pakistan not signed
have. Where no such signatures and ratifications
achieved, the CTBT into force contract. The reason was
that China Russia and the United Kingdom during the contract negotiations
insisted that the contract only upon accession
should enter into force from India, Israel and Pakistan. The US preferred
, however, a less arduous determination to early
to achieve ratification. As a compromise, suggested the Dutch
ambassador and the chairman of the Committee on Disarmament
before that 44 nuclear-capable States, including the five nuclear weapon states
and the three potential nuclear powers India Israel
should and Pakistan to ratify the treaty before the treaty into force
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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