Zur Begründung allgemein wird auf Drucksache 18/8702 verwiesen. Die vom Innenausschuss vorgenommenen Änderungen auf Grundlage des Änderungsantrags der Koalitionsfraktionen auf Ausschussdrucksache 18(4)605 begründen sich wie folgt:
In support of General printed matter referenced 18/8702. The changes made by the Committee on Internal Affairs on the basis of the amendment of the coalition parties on Committee printed 18(4)605 reasons as follows:
In support generally referenced Printed Matter 18/8702. The changes made by the Civil Liberties Committee on the basis of the amendment of the coalition parties on the Board of printed matter 18 (4) 605 reasons as follows:
the statement is generally on printed matter 18 / 8702 referred to. the home affairs committee amendments based on the amendment to the koalitionsfraktionen ausschussdrucksache 18 (4) 605; as follows: