II. Opinions of the committees consulted
to point a
has The Foreign Affairs Committee at its 72nd meeting on 22 June 2016, the votes of the coalition parties
of the CDU / CSU and SPD against the votes of the opposition factions DIE LINKE. and Alliance 90 / The
Greens recommended the adoption of the bill.
The Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection, in its 104th meeting by a vote on June 22, 2016
the coalition parties recommended voting against the opposition factions, the bill as amended
to adopt the amendment.
the Committee on economic and energy, in its 81st meeting on 22 June 2016, the votes of the
factions of the CDU / CSU and SPD against the votes of the Left fractions. and Alliance 90 / The
Greens recommended to adopt the bill in the version of the amendment.
The Committee on the Affairs of the European Union, in its 65th meeting held on June 22, 2016
by a vote by the CDU / CSU and SPD voting against the fractions DIE LINKE. and
Alliance 90 / The Greens, the adoption of the bill as amended by the amendment recommended.
The Committee Digital Agenda At its 67th meeting on 22 June 2016, the votes of the factions of the
CDU / CSU and SPD against the votes of fractions DIE LINKE , and Alliance 90 / The Greens acceptance
of the bill as amended by the amendment recommended.
To Letter b
The Foreign Affairs Committee has in its 72nd meeting on 22 June 2016, the votes of the coalition parties
recommended voting against the opposition parties to accept the bill.
the Committee on legal Affairs and consumer protection, the Committee of economy and energy, the Committee
on the Affairs of the European Union and the Committee Digital agenda have each in their
recommended meeting on 22 June 2016 does the bill of the Federal government on printed matter 18/8824 for
to explain.
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