Ebenfalls fristgemäß reiche ich nach § 2 der Studentenkrankenversicherungs-Meldeverordnung die Versicherungsbescheinigung der Krankenkasse, bei der ich zum Studienbeginn
als Mitglied oder Familienangehöriger versichert bin oder sein werde, ein.
Oder, wenn ich Mitglied einer privaten Krankenversicherung bin, den Nachweis über die Befreiung von der gesetzlichen Versicherungspflicht (diese Befreiungsbescheinigung
wird nur durch gesetzliche Krankenkassen wie z. B. AOK, DAK, BEK, TK ausgestellt)
Also within the prescribed period I rich the certificate of insurance issued by the health insurance fund, where according to § 2 of the Studentenkrankenversicherungs reporting regulation I at the beginning of the studyas a member or family member have insurance or will be a.Or, if I am member of a private health insurance, proof of exemption from statutory insurance (this exemption certificateissued only by statutory health insurance companies such as AOK, DAK, BEK, TK)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Also within the prescribed period I submit pursuant to § 2 of the Student Health Insurance Meldeverordnung the insurance certificate the insurance company with whom I the baseline
I insured as a member or member of the family or will be, a.
Or, if I am a member of a private health insurance, proof of exemption from the statutory compulsory insurance (this exemption certificate
is only through public health insurance such. as AOK, DAK, BEK, TK issued)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

I also after 2. The time rich Studentenkrankenversicherungs-Meldeverordnung the insurance certificate of the health insurance company in the i
as a member or family member from baseline at Am or will be insured, a.
or, if I am a member of a private health insurance,The proof of the exemption from the compulsory insurance (This certificate
is only by statutory sickness insurance funds such as AOK, DAK, BEK, TK issued)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..