Implementation not German law corresponding portions of the Directive on the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, protection of the marine environment and the economy in coastal areas from pollution, avoiding disruptions in energy production and improvement of emergency mechanisms, especially mining regulations for coastal waters and the continental shelf;.
Change § 3 Umweltschadensgesetz, § 66 of the Federal Mining Act and Sections 2 and 90 of the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz; Statutory authorization
Reference: Directive 2013/30 / EU of 12 June 2013, the safety of offshore oil and gas activities and amending Directive 2004/35 / EC (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 66)
Implementation not German law corresponding portions of the directive on the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, protection of the marine environment and the economy in coastal areas from pollution, avoiding disruptions in energy production and improvement of emergency mechanisms, especially mining regulations for coastal waters and the continental shelf; Change section 3 environmental damage Act, section 66 of the Federal Mining Act and sections 2 and 90 of the water resources Act; Statutory authorization Reference: Directive 2013/30 / EU of 12 June 2013, the safety of offshore oil and gas activities and Amen thing Directive 2004/35 / EC (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 66)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Implementation not German law CORRESPONDING portions of the Directive on the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, protection of the marine environment and the economy in coastal areas from pollution, Avoiding disruptions in energy production and improvement of emergency mechanisms, love especially mining regulations for coastal waters and the continental shelf ;.
Change § 3 environmental damage Act, § 66 of the Federal Mining Act and Sections 2 and 90 of the water Act; Statutory authorization
Reference: Directive 2013/30 / EU of 12 June 2013, the safety of offshore oil and gas activities and Amending Directive 2004/35 / EC (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 66)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

implementation not english law corresponding portions of the directive on the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, protection of the marine environment and the economy in coastal areas from pollution, avoiding disruptions in energy production and improvement of emergency mechanisms, especially mining regulations for coastal waters and the continental shelf.change (3) umweltschadensgesetz, section 66 of the federal mining act and sections 2 and 90 of the federal water management act; statutory authorizationreference: directive 2013 / 30 / ec of 12 june 2013, the safety of offshore oil and gas activities and amending directive 2004 / 35 / ec (oj l 178, 28.6.2013, p. 66)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..