5. Überprüfunga. Internationale Atomenergie-OrganisationDie Überwachun 번역 - 5. Überprüfunga. Internationale Atomenergie-OrganisationDie Überwachun 영어 말하는 방법

5. Überprüfunga. Internationale Ato

5. Überprüfung
a. Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation
Die Überwachung des Vertrages ist ausgelagert und unterliegt der Internationalen Atomenergie-Organisation, IAEO43. Sie ist dazu berechtigt, Verifikationsmaßnahmen in Form von Sicherungsmaßnahmen44, sog. "safeguards", gem. Artikel 3 NVV durchzuführen, damit die horizontale Weiterverbreitung nicht ausufert45. Verifikation "bezeichnet die Verfahren, Instrumente und Prozesse der Überprüfung der Vertragstreue von Staaten"46. Ursprünglich erstreckte sich die Überprüfung nur auf die Kontrolle des Spaltmaterialflusses ziviler Anlagen, wurde jedoch im Zuge der Entdeckung des irakischen Atomwaffenprogramms nach dem Golfkrieg von 1990/1991 reformiert47. Die IAEO ist berechtigt nach kurzfristiger Ankündigung alle relevanten Standorte zu überprüfen, auch solche die nicht deklariert sind48, sowie zur Entnahme von Informationen aus allen zugänglichen Quellen49. Neben Inspektionen kommen technische Mittel zum Einsatz, wie Siegel, Detektoren, Monitore und Kameras50. Zudem sind, um der illegalen Abzweigung entgegen zu wirken, die Bestände in den meisten Kernwaffenstaaten sehr genau erfasst51. Diese Maßnahmen wurden notwendig, um frühzeitig heimliche Waffenprogramme zu enttarnen52
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
5. reviewa. International Atomic Energy AgencyOverseeing the contract is outsourced and is subject to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEO43. It is entitled verification measures in form of Sicherungsmaßnahmen44 so-called "safeguards", gem, thus horizontal proliferation making 3 NPT article not ausufert45. Verification "referred to the procedures, instruments and processes of the review of contract loyalty by States" 46. Originally extended validation only on the control of fissile material flow of civilian facilities, however, was in the wake of the discovery of Iraq's nuclear program after the Gulf war of 1990/1991 reformiert47. The IAEA is entitled to check all relevant sites for short-term advertisement, including those not declared that sind48, as well as to the collection of information from all accessible Quellen49. In addition to inspections technical means are used, such as seal, detectors, monitors and Kameras50. Also, the populations in most of the nuclear-weapon States are closely erfasst51 to counteract the illegal diversion. These measures were necessary to early clandestine weapons programs to enttarnen52
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
5. Verification
a. International Atomic Energy Agency
, the monitoring of the contract is outsourced and is subject to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEO43. She is entitled to verification measures in the form of Sicherungsmaßnahmen44, so-called. "Safeguards", acc. Article 3 perform NPT so that the horizontal proliferation not ausufert45. Verification "means the process, tools and processes of verification of contract compliance by States' 46th Originally, the review covers only the control of fissile material flow of civilian installations, however, was in the wake of the discovery of Iraq's nuclear weapons program after the Gulf War of 1990/1991 reformiert47. The IAEA is entitled to short notice to review all relevant sites, even those that do not declared sind48, and for the removal of information from all accessible Quellen49. Besides inspections technical means are used, such as seals, detectors, monitors and Kameras50. In addition, in order to counter the illicit diversion, stocks in most nuclear-weapon States very closely erfasst51. These measures were necessary to enttarnen52 early clandestine weapons programs
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
5. reviewa. international atomic energy agencythe monitoring of the treaty is outsourced and is subject to the international atomic energy agency, iaeo43. she's entitled to verification measures in the form of sicherungsmaßnahmen44. safeguards, "gem. article 3 the npt so that horizontal proliferation not ausufert45. verification of "refers to the methods, tools and processes in the review of the observance of the treaty states" 46. originally, the review covered only to the control of the spaltmaterialflusses civilian installations, but was in the wake of the discovery of the iraqi nuclear weapons program after the gulf war of 1990 / 1991 reformiert47. the iaea is entitled to short-term announcement to check all relevant sites, including those that are not declared sind48, and the extraction of information from all available quellen49. in addition to inspections on technical means to use, such as seal, detectors, monitors and kameras50. in addition, the illegal diversion of counter, the stocks in most nuclear weapon states very precisely erfasst51. these measures were necessary in order to enttarnen52 early secret arms programmes
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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