in technically difficult will prove to other books, and with precise kapitelangaben, that"s very helpful. especially like this, the structure of the book. not the normal rate - rate - proof - proof, etc. you will find here, but mixed mathemaitk, tasks (unfortunately, no solutions), historical remarks and physical zusammenhaenge. in particular, these are praiseworthy, because they deal with the theoretical physics more than most physikbuecher (e.g. entropy as the potential of a waermevektorfeldes, schwingungsgleichungen, etc.). besides, i like the format of the book, about a half heftseite, not too thick or too hard, so we can all carry with themselves. unfortunately, the binding is not particularly robust, my edition is quite zerfleddert after four semesters. all in all, a faithful companion for undergraduate study. further mathematikbuecher don"t really need it. (this is a while at the university studentenrezension.)
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