TaskWhen one pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under certain  번역 - TaskWhen one pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under certain  영어 말하는 방법

TaskWhen one pulls along a two whee

When one pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under certain circumstances wobble so strongly from side to side that it can turn over. Investigate this phenomenon. Can one suppress or intensify the effect by varied packing of the luggage?

When pulling a rolling suitcase on two wheels this can vary so much in circumstances that he fell. Investigate the phenomenon. Is it by repackaging the case prevent the tipping or accelerate?

Guiding questions
What size describe the suitcase (with regard to translation and rotation)
What size should be measured?
What physical sizes change when the case is repacked?
Need a disruption of normal driving, if the case should vary?
Varies the case also, when he is drawn by a machine? Is it necessary to the body movement when walking?
What influence does the surface (rough, smooth...)
What influence does the friction in the wheels?
How does the length of the handle?
How does the body size of the gathering?
Project launch
Use standard block with different mass but same exterior dimensions. For example, bricks and styrofoam blocks
Video analysis? Then attach the marker
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
TaskWhen one pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under certain circumstances wobble so strongly from side to side that it can turn over. Investigate this phenomenon. Can one suppress or intensify the effect by varied packing of the luggage?TraduzioneWhen pulling a rolling suitcase on two wheels this can vary so much in circumstances that he fell. Investigate the phenomenon. Is it by repackaging the case prevent the tipping or accelerate?Guiding questionsWhat size describe the suitcase (with regard to translation and rotation)What size should be measured?What physical sizes change when the case is repacked?Need a disruption of normal driving, if the case should'nt vary?Varies the case so, when he is drawn by a machine? Is it this necessary to the body movement when in walking?What influence does the surface (rough, smooth...)What influence does the friction in the wheels?How does the length of the handle?How does the body size of the gathering?Project launchUse standard block with different mass but same exterior dimensions. For example, bricks and styrofoam blocksVideo analysis? Then attach the marker
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
When one pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under Certain circumstances wobble so strongly from side to side, indeed it can turn over. Investigate this phenomenon. Can one suppress or intensify the effect by varied packing of the luggage? Traduzione When pulling a rolling suitcase on two wheels this can vary so much in circumstances did he hide. Investigate the phenomenon. Is it by repackaging the case prevent the tipping or accelerate? Guiding Questions What size describe the suitcase (with regard to translation and rotation) What size Should be Measured? What physical sizes Change When the case is repacked? Need a disruption of normal driving, if the case Should Vary? Varies The Case So, When He is drawn by a machine? Is it Necessary to the Body Movement When walking? What influence does the surface (rough, smooth ...) What influence does the friction in the wheels? How does the length of the handle? How does the body size of the gathering? Project launch Use standard block with different degree but same exterior dimensions. For Example, bricks and styrofoam blocks Video Analysis? Then attach the marker

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
task: when one group pulls along a two wheeled suitcase, it can under certain circumstances wobble from side to side so strongly that it can turn over. about this phenomenon. can one suppress or intensify the effect by water packing of the luggage?

when pulling a rolling suitcase on two wheels this can vary so much in circumstances that he fell. investigate the phenomenon.is it by repackaging the case to prevent the tipping or accelerate?

what size guiding questions describe the suitcase (with regard to translation and rotation), what size should be measured?
what physical dimensions change when the case is repacked? "need a disruption of normal driving, if the case should vary.
varies the case now, when he is drawn by a machine?is it necessary to the body movement when walking? and what influence does the surface (rough, smooth,...), what influence does the friction in the wheels. "how does the length of the handle. "how does the body size of the gathering? the project launch and use standard block with different mass but same exterior dimensions. for example, brigs and styrofoam blocks in video analysis. then attach the marker
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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